1. Cilj igre je s čim manj poskusi oziroma udarci spraviti žogo v luknjo. Zmagovalec je tisti igralec, ki z najmanj udarci spravi žogo v vseh 18 lukenj.

2. Igra se začne vzporedno s tablo. Na njej je narisana steza in navodila, kako pravilno, mimo ovir spraviti žogo v luknjo.

3. Igralna žoga se igra od tam, kjer je nazadnje ostala. Če po udarcu žoga ne leži na stezi, igralec prejme kazensko točko. Igra se nadaljuje iz točke, kjer je zadnjič ustrelil žogo.

4. Ovire je potrebno odigrati v skladu z navodili na vsaki tabli.

5. Največje dovoljeno število udarcev je 3x več kot določa PAR, torej:
– pri PAR 3 je največje dovoljeno število udarcev 9, sicer pišete 12;
– pri PAR 4 je največje dovoljeno število udarcev 12, sicer pišete 16;
– pri PAR 5 je največje dovoljeno število udarcev 15 , sicer pišete 20;
– pri PAR 6 je največje dovoljeno število udarcev 18 , sicer pišete 24.

6. Igralci skupine streljajo žogo izmenično. Pri strelu mora ena noga vedno biti na tleh. Zagozda z žogo (skok z žogo) ni dovoljena.

7. Če druga žoga ovira željeno smer igranja, lahko igralec zahteva, da zaščiti žogo (označite položaj in žogo odstranite). Če žoga ni zavarovana in je zadeta, jo je potrebno vrniti v prvotni položaj – žoga, ki je bila ustreljena pa ostane.
Manjše ali hitrejše skupine imajo prednost.

Želimo vam veliko zabave.

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1. The goal of the game is to get the ball in the hole with so little attempts as possible. The winner is the one who gets the ball in all 18 holes with the least number of kicks.

2. The game starts parallel to the board. On the board, there is a drawn track and instructions on how to get the ball in the hole properly past the obstacles.

3. The playing ball is played from there where it last stood still. If after the kick the ball lies on the other track the player receives a penalty point. The game is continued from the point where the ball was last kicked.

4. The obstacles have to be played in accordance with the instructions on every board.

5. The biggest allowed number of kicks is three times higher than PAR determines. Thus:
– at PAR 3, the biggest allowed number of kicks is 9; otherwise, you have to write 12;
– at PAR 4, the biggest allowed number of kicks is 12; otherwise, you have to write 16;
– at PAR 5, the biggest allowed number of kicks is 15; otherwise, you have to write 20;
– at PAR 6, the biggest allowed number of kicks is 18; otherwise, you have to write 24.

6. The players of the group kick the ball alternately. When kicking, one leg has to be on the floor all the time. A wedge with the ball (jumping with the ball) is not allowed.

7. If another ball is in a way of the desired direction of playing, the player can demand to protect the ball (mark the position and move the ball away). If the ball is not protected and is hit, it has to be restored into the previous position – the ball which was kicked remains where it lies.

Smaller and faster groups have the advantage to play first.

We wish you a lot of fun.

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